For the longest time Galaxy-Eyes has been known as an OTK deck. Appearing in the Zexal era, this deck has become synonymous with the season’s rival Kaito. Throughout the years, he has become the face of the deck with any new support being centered around his playing style. However, there is actually another Galaxy-Eyes who was forgotten for the longest time. One who offers a whole new way to play the deck.
Known as Mizar, he relied on his ace Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon. This card had the powerful ability to negate all monster effects on the field every turn. To further support, Konami also created the cards known as Tachyon Transmigration, a card with the unique ability to negate multiple card effects at once, and Tachyon Spiral Galaxy, a card that made any dragon Galaxy monster immune to everything. What made these cards even better was the fact that if Number 107 was on the field, these cards could be played from the hand at any time. However, while these cards were powerful, they had the unfortunate downside that they couldn’t be searchable. Because of this it wasn’t possible to rely on using them.
With the new Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal though, this is no longer a problem. This monster allows its owner to search any tachyon spell/trap card including the two new ones introduced. What’s important to note is the Primal has the unique ability to be summoned to the opponent’s field, allowing you to bypass various negates that they might have. And for the times when you can’t summon Primal through its own effect, Tachyon Cloudragon allows you to bring it out from either the deck or graveyard.
Mizar used to have another lesser known ace called Number 46: Dragluon. While originally this card didn’t synergize with Galaxy-Eyes, its retrain Dragluxion offers support to the archetype and even helps bring together Kaito’s and Mizar’s playstyles. For one thing upon being summoned this card allows you to search any Galaxy or Tachyon card giving further consistency to the deck. Its other effect allows you to summon out any rank 8 dragon monster with 3000 ATK which helps to enable Number 107 with a powerful Tachyon card as support. This means that you now have the possibility to add in cards that you might have been unable to use before.
Finally, we have the two new Tachyon spell/traps. Tachyon Spiral of Destruction offers three different effects: the ability to destroy all negated face-up cards your opponent controls, adding any Tachyon card in the graveyard to your hand or summoning any Number dragon monster back from the graveyard. With it being a quick-play you have even better control of which effect to use at the right time. Lord of The Tachyon Galaxy is a card that is on the same level of power as the strong Tachyon Transmigration. This card shuffles any monster summoned during the turn back into the deck, essentially wiping the opponent's field. And should you have a Number C monster, it becomes impossible for the opponent to stop.
With these new cards it is possible to play Galaxy-Eyes in a way that people could only dream of. It no longer becomes a simple OTK deck and instead more of a control deck. So, when you’re building your deck, know that you have a choice between simply crushing your opponent or manipulating them in a way you choose.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer