For a long time now the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been suffering. Aside from the occasional good movie like Guardians of The Galaxy 3, the MCU has been pouring out some less than stellar content. Now, it’s up to one man to save the MCU and finally turn things around. And that man’s name is Ryan Reynolds- I mean Deadpool.
Deadpool is one of the most popular Marvel characters in the franchise. And with the existence of the Deadpool movies, that popularity has only grown. Though that might have something to do with the actor behind Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds. He is an actor who has become synonymous with the character he plays, like Ronald Downey Jr. and Iron Man. As a result, people can no longer think of anyone else playing Deadpool with some people even saying that the two are the same person. However Ryan Reynolds connection to the character doesn’t stop there.
He has actually been working together with the people in charge of Deadpool 3 in order to make sure that it is as good as the two that came before it. For him this movie is just as important as anything else he will do anything to see it gets the attention and respect it needs or deserves. And given the dialogues that were seen in the trailer, Marvel likely has a similar mindset. They themselves know that if things go badly with the movie then they could suffer even more. Which might explain why they decided to add a fan favorite X-Men to the movie.
Hugh Jackman has said that Logan would be the last time he would play the character Wolverine. In fact, he has been very adamant about this. So when fans found out that he would be reprising his role in Deadpool 3, they were delightfully surprised. The reason for his return though might be due to the fact that Ryan Reynolds has always wanted the two to play these characters in a movie together. Whatever the reason, having these two powerhouses will surely help Deadpool 3’s chances of success.
There’s no guarantee that this one movie will be able to save the MCU. However, if Marvel has any chance of turning things around, it will have to be with this movie. So, let’s hope that this movie gives the MCU the kick it needs to get its act together.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer