One Piece is easily one of the biggest anime there. This is a show that is constantly praised for its amazing stories and characters and has even become known as one of the Big 3. However, many aren’t truly aware of why this is due to the fact that they’re put off by its length. And this isn’t just true about One Piece; there are many anime out there that people will never watch purely because people think they’re too long. However, I’m here to show that getting into long anime isn’t as daunting as it seems.
The easiest way is to start small and build up from there. There are plenty of 12 episode anime out there that you can find. For most people this isn’t a lot so it shouldn’t be too hard to watch the whole thing. After watching a few, try watching a 24 episode anime. Once you’ve done that watch a few more to show that it’s not that hard to do. Then trying to find a 50 episode anime. As you keep increasing the anime length it seems more and more possible to get into longer and longer anime.
If you instead want to just jump straight into a long anime, then you should try to pace it out. Long anime will have their shows broken up into either arcs in an ongoing anime or multiple seasons. So instead of trying to watch it all at once, you can instead watch them slowly by watching arcs one at a time. This will make it seem less like one long anime and instead like multiple smaller ones that just so happen to share the same story. Doing so will also help you better come back once you come back as you won’t be rejoining in the middle of the story.
However, the best advice I can give is to just start it. Many people are put off by long anime because they feel that it’s just too much for them and thus there’s no point in trying. This makes it harder and harder for them to actually start watching. Instead of giving reasons why you shouldn’t, you should instead start when you want to and see what happens. You might even be surprised by how much you’re able to watch. At the end of the day the mentality that you can’t do something will just stop you from figuring out what you can do.
Logan Floyd-Mcgee | Writer